Bin Laden was bought for US $ 25 million!


US sold bin Laden for $ 25 million All information related to where bin Laden had received the CIA instead of the dollar.

And the information that the ISI handed over to the CIA. Senior Investigative Journalist Timur Hashi claimed such a number of sensational claims related to bin Laden.

In a new account in the London Book Review, he presented all the unknown information related to 2011 bin Laden. Even after bin Laden’s death, he told all the facts presented by the United States in lieu of lies. In his statement, bin Laden was captured by Pakistani authorities and ISI in Pakistan’s Abbottabad since 2006.

Finally, in 2006, Pak Army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and General Shuja Pasha helped kill bin Laden with all the information. They knew all the information about the US military. Even the US helicopter reached without any problems in Abbottabad.

On May 2, 2011, a US military operation was hit by Osama bin Laden. Then Pakistan’s administration imposed a fine on bin Laden, who was killed in Pakistan, in complete darkness. But the challenge of Pakistan is to challenge the defeat of Santoor.


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