Daily morning news lease announcement.


Authorities of the country’s national daily morning’s announcement have announced le-off. Chief executive of the company Tanvir Chowdhury announced on Thursday (14th September)

In the verbal announcement, he told journalists and employees that Friday morning (September 15th) will not leave the print edition of the news. All salary wages will be paid by September 25. Everyone gets salary allowance till 30th September.

Asked about Le-Off, Ranges Group’s Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Mehnaj Kabir told the media, “The print version of the morning news has been announced for the time being closed.” But it’s going to be online. A committee has been made to revive the paper. ‘

He also said, “Talks with different groups to keep the paper alive. I said, if we take journalists and employees, we would sell the morning news. But no one responded. ‘


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